
Clan Information

Statistics Summary
Clan Name:ɪllegʌL..  (27 members)
Average Member Points:77,565 (Average Position: 72)
Total Kills:1,144,702 (Hs per Kill: 34%)
Total Deaths:494,773 (with Hs: 41%)
Kills per Death:2.31 (Kills per Minute: 0.92)
Connection Time:2 years 138 days 03:35:55 hours
Average Connection Time:32 days 03:41:19 hours
Longest Kill Streak:17 Kills
Rounds:902,387 (Win.: 527,315, Loss.: 262,894)
Win Ratio:58%
Survived Rounds:338,979 Rounds (38%)
Weapon Accuracy:30% (Shots per Kill: 12.50)

Clan Members

# Name Position Points Activity Time Kills Clan Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk
1  ɪllegʌL.. Valac 2 354,075 98% 13d 06:26h 27,417 2% 5,800 4.73 8,445 31%
2  ɪllegʌL.. BrOwnneck(kesadilla) 7 178,624 89% 32d 14:48h 65,753 6% 21,852 3.01 33,785 51%
3  ɪllegʌL.. Recon 9 153,349 98% 28d 05:31h 40,321 4% 17,394 2.32 12,484 31%
4  ɪllegʌL.. ChowSingSing 13 131,860 99% 85d 19:53h 168,908 15% 55,892 3.02 55,997 33%
5  ɪllegʌL.. SD|Excalibur 14 130,435 89% 42d 00:43h 60,818 5% 20,663 2.94 20,277 33%
6  ɪllegʌL.. DreOZ.auce 20 108,468 91% 34d 04:19h 45,267 4% 9,998 4.53 20,810 46%
7  ɪllegʌL.. DirtyNinjaz 21 107,532 97% 110d 16:29h 92,790 8% 53,017 1.75 23,829 26%
8  ɪllegʌL.. The Bull 23 101,322 78% 44d 11:04h 48,743 4% 14,870 3.28 18,011 37%
9  ɪllegʌL.. Hotdog 29 84,175 96% 43d 21:17h 21,736 2% 5,536 3.93 6,136 28%
10  ɪllegʌL.. LSProD1 30 82,873 98% 49d 17:10h 45,049 4% 46,399 0.97 15,213 34%
11  ɪllegʌL.. 1 Duke 33 80,366 99% 7d 07:58h 14,080 1% 4,184 3.37 5,648 40%
12  ɪllegʌL.. Phoenix Raven Girl 39 73,168 34% 49d 20:56h 63,644 6% 22,465 2.83 15,004 24%
13  ɪllegʌL.. Livermush 46 68,717 70% 46d 15:28h 57,929 5% 33,289 1.74 17,914 31%
14  ɪllegʌL.. Medek Sensei 57 55,234 89% 25d 14:54h 22,178 2% 16,610 1.34 7,533 34%
15  ɪllegʌL.. Nanaki 70 45,954 98% 32d 21:13h 53,951 5% 24,599 2.19 26,058 48%
16  ɪllegʌL.. Svente 79 42,634 52% 17d 13:00h 25,609 2% 13,212 1.94 8,283 32%
17  ɪllegʌL.. CommanderBuck56 88 40,452 55% 8d 13:43h 8,886 1% 6,486 1.37 2,219 25%
18  ɪllegʌL.. Broadside of Barn 94 40,018 75% 25d 13:15h 35,683 3% 14,673 2.43 10,364 29%
19  ɪllegʌL.. Ruler_USA 110 37,722 78% 38d 17:47h 58,855 5% 22,828 2.58 19,219 33%
20  ɪllegʌL.. TheGhostofOnyx 113 36,962 56% 15d 01:33h 30,732 3% 7,727 3.98 8,986 29%
21  ɪllegʌL.. noback91 118 34,489 93% 11d 21:15h 16,286 1% 8,065 2.02 6,430 39%
22  ɪllegʌL.. ѕреяміиатоя™ 129 29,019 80% 21d 10:37h 7,741 1% 12,553 0.62 2,427 31%
23  ɪllegʌL.. GodLYAcT_ 136 21,411 93% 9d 02:58h 11,535 1% 3,961 2.91 2,883 25%
24  ɪllegʌL.. CFStormTrooper 144 19,177 27% 13d 16:49h 15,399 1% 12,671 1.22 5,482 36%
25  ɪllegʌL.. Disposable 152 18,167 60% 47d 22:57h 93,850 8% 33,963 2.76 51,977 55%
26  ɪllegʌL.. K9 Coldpaw X 169 13,371 3% 1d 11:00h 961 0% 924 1.04 191 20%
27  ɪllegʌL.. dirt chicken 190 4,671 60% 9d 20:22h 10,581 1% 5,142 2.06 2,717 26%

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